NZ Business Finance

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7 habits to make you irresistible to business lenders

Running a business is tough, and the small business owner wears many hats: sales, finance, marketing, HR, operations, client service … it’s exhausting! Sales, operations and client/customer service usually take precedence, because it’s all about making money, right?  But taking a little bit of time every day – it could be as little as 15 minutes – to put your Finance Manager hat on, can make a big difference when it comes to applying for all kinds of business finance. The idea is to be an irresistible prospect for lenders. When your financial house is in order, business lenders see a lower risk and are more likely to offer you those coveted lower interest rates. Plus, adopting good habits can save you and your business time and money in the long run. Here are seven daily or weekly finance-related habits that will not only make you more attractive to banks, lenders and financiers but also keep your business thriving.


1. Sweep GST on invoice payments received to a savings account

Every time you receive a payment, make it a habit to sweep the GST portion into a separate account. This simple step ensures that you're always prepared for GST time, avoiding any last-minute scrambles. Plus, it keeps your main account balance accurate, giving you a clearer picture of your cash flow.


2. Reconcile your bank statements regularly

Don't let bank reconciliations pile up. Make it a daily task, or at the very least, do it once a week. Regular reconciliations help you spot discrepancies early, meaning they are quicker and easier to fix because you don’t need to think back too far to figure out what’s gone wrong. It also ensures that your balance sheet is up to date. Lenders love seeing a business that can whip up accurate financial statements in the blink of an eye.


3. Adjust direct debits to match customer payments

Timing is everything, especially when it comes to cash flow. Adjust your direct debits so they coincide with incoming customer payments. This way, you'll always have the funds available to cover your expenses, avoiding overdraft fees and showing lenders that you manage your cash flow smartly.


4. Pay GST and PAYE when you submit your returns

Don't procrastinate on your taxes. Get into the habit of paying your taxes at the same time you file your tax returns – Inland Revenue gives you the option to do this when you file your GST and PAYE returns. If you’ve followed point 1 above, then this should be a piece of cake. This practice not only keeps you compliant but also avoids the accumulation of debt that can make your business look risky to lenders. And if you do get behind on your taxes, contact IRD to make a payment arrangement, they’re always happy to help (they’re not so bad, after all!). Lenders don’t mind so much when you are behind on your tax payments if you have a payment arrangement in place. They will treat it like any other business borrowing when assessing your loan application.


5. Maintain an emergency fund

Set aside a portion of your earnings into an emergency fund. This fund acts as a financial safety net, helping you weather unexpected expenses or downturns. This shows lenders that you're prepared for the unexpected and capable of managing risks.


6. Monitor your accounts receivable

Keep a close eye on your debtors. Nobody likes to do this, but you need to follow up on overdue invoices promptly. If you can withstand the cost, you could offer incentives for early payments. Effective management of your receivables improves cash flow and demonstrates to lenders that you’re proactive in managing your income streams. (Or if you have an invoice finance facility, your lender will do this for you – cash and accounts receivable help - bonus!).


7. Automate where possible

Leverage technology to automate routine financial tasks. Whether it's invoicing, payroll, or expense tracking, automation saves time and reduces the risk of human error.


Adopting these habits will not only make your business more attractive to lenders but also streamline your financial management, saving you time and money. Don’t we all want to spend less on accounting fees? By showing that you're proactive and responsible with your finances, you'll be in a stronger position to secure favourable business loan terms. Remember, the key to a thriving business is not just in making money but in managing it wisely. So, get started on these habits today, and watch your business flourish!

Then when your need to buy a vehicle or equipment, or business is growing and you need to finance that growth through a secured or unsecured loan, or invoice finance, we can help you get the finance you need … quickly and efficiently if you’ve implemented some of our suggestions!